Jekyll Theme Migration


This post lists the required steps taken to migrate the current blog post from a Jekyll Primer theme to a Hyde theme.

Required Files

Add the following files from the Hyde theme

|-- _includes  
|    |-- head.html  
|    |-- sidebar.html  
|-- _layouts  
|    |-- default.html  
|    |-- page.html  
|    |-- post.html  
|-- assets  
|    |-- css  
|        |--hyde.css  
|        |--poole.css  
|        |--syntax.css  
|-- _config.yml  
|-- index.html  


I copied _config.yml and index.html but heavily modified it to my own liking.

The css files were also modified to my own liking.

Ensure the head.html is using the css files from this specific blog’s directory structure rather than the default Hyde theme’s location.

Hyde Theme nuances

To add links to the sidebar use the page layout front-matter specification


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